Thursday, March 18, 2010

English Translation of "Dare Ni Mo Ienee" by B'z

"Dare Ni Mo Ienee/Can't Tell This to Anyone" by B'z (the original lyrics here)

Is there any woman who's prettier than her?
I wonder that, is it true? If there's one, it's awkward (at last)

Even the howl of the puppy sounds dramatic to me
Maybe it's because somebody cast a spell on me, and I can't turn away from it anymore

Just touching your fingers, I feel sparks flying
Maybe I've found something I really love
Can't tell this to anyone

The seaside wind (ha~) Her black hair (ha~) It shakes and from the gaps
I'm being stared at(ha~), now that(ha~), I'll accept everything (flatly)

Even while saying it would never happen, I've been hoping that a day like this will come
How would it be other people's fault

Won't let you go, I never wanna let you go, I don't need anything else
Although some shamefulwords are echoing in my heart
Can't tell this to anyone

I feel my heart beats fast
I feel dizzy too
I'm out of breath
Please help me anyhow

With the mood of the thunder, the clouds begin to move
Whatever happens, it's not a surprise

Won't regret the big step forward that I'm taking
But I wonder what's gonna happen after this, I'm nervous
Can't tell this to anyone

(Can't tell this)

I like this song best in their latest album "MAGIC"!! The song is about a guy who is in love with a girl. But he can't tell about it to anyone since he'd behaved like love wouldn't move him or like that hehe.

Translated by Koh
English Advisor : Gail

1 comment:

  1. I love this song very very veeeeeeeeeeery much!! 178-3's lyrics = SUGOI! Daisuki!

    What is the next song you'll be translating? Tanoshimi ni!

